"Patterns” is Chapter III of the “Ocean Inside Of Me Album,” and it’s a bit of an outlier musically, being the first song of mine with an accordion. The first two chapters told a story of becoming aware that something is wrong, realizing that there’s a weight to carry, and struggling with that. There’s inner turmoil and conflict, but the only solution found is to keep going and push through. Inevitably, that leads to “Patterns,” a song about catching yourself repeating the same mistakes and unhealthy coping methods over and over again despite knowing how bad they are for you.
When I was depressed, I knew that none of my coping methods were productive and that I was hurting myself, but I still stayed in those places for more than a year before I had the courage to reach out for help. Self-awareness was not enough to break the cycle when all I used it for was blaming myself for the place I was in.
This is a bitter song written in a state of deep conflict within myself, forcing me to acknowledge the darker parts of me. “This is not who I want to be, yet it lives inside of me.” That line has completely changed its meaning for me over time. When I wrote it, it was an admission of guilt, a shameful, self-destructive part of myself unworthy of love. Now I find it empowering to sing with self-acceptance. Yes, I have my darkness, but I know that she doesn’t define me.
We all have our shadows and patterns, but they will never determine our worth. Whatever you might be going through, be kind to yourself. I hope this song can be there for you when you need it, as it has been for me.
Musically, I always had the idea of a circus vibe for this one, and funnily enough, when I sent it to Dominic Romano, who produced the song, he had the exact same vision for it. Dominic did an incredible job with the production, telling the story through the music too. If you listen closely, you can hear the song fall apart and get worn out as the patterns repeat.
I’ve got blood on my hands and no one seems to care
I’ve got all that I want but I am not aware
I’m breaking your heart and you don’t even notice
I’m falling apart and you don’t even notice
I’ve got my own version of reality
Made of pain paper and poetry
Under the surface nothings like it’s supposed to be
Under the water find it really hard to breathe
With every little
With every little
Every little thing that makes me go insane
Every little
With every little
Every little step I take I take in vain
I’m falling into the same old patterns
And they hurt me
And I hurt me
I’ve got secrets that are as heavy as the world
That’s how I keep it, I sing like a broken winged bird
I don’t know the answer and I am not asking
Under the Water I am breathing in
With every little
Every little
Every little thing that makes me go insane
Every little
Every little
Every little step I take I take in vain
I’m falling into the same old patterns
And they hurt me
I hurt me
This is not what I want
Not who I want to be
This is not what I want
Yet it lives inside of me
This is not what I want
Not who I want to be
This is not what I want
Yet it lives inside of me
With every little
Every little
Every little thing that makes me go insane
Every little
Every little
Every little step I take I take in vain
I’m falling into the same old patterns
And they hurt me
I hurt me
What the press says:
‘Patterns’ is yet one more powerful example of Luna’s artistic versatility and skill, and it underscores her prowess as one of the finest songwriters and storytellers around.
As always, it’s Luna’s lyrics that shine the brightest. Rich and relatable, they simply captivates.
Musiknya sendiri adalah perpaduan hangat vokalnya sudah kita kenal kekuatannya dengan melodi yang tenang namun kaya akan emosi membuat lagu ini menjadi sesuatu yang dapat dinikmati dalam kesendirian, menemani renungan tentang kehidupan.
Neben der originellen Instrumentierung ist es natürlich auch die unverkennbare Stimme im Fokus, die Luna Kellers Musik einzigartig macht.
O indie-folk de preceitos hipnóticos, é devidamente adornado pela suntuosa voz de Keller, que promove um diálogo entre feeling “acessivamente” exasperado na condução da narrativa, com permeios de sofreguidão emocional.
After over three years of meticulous perfection, Luna bears to audiences a slice of art that excels all expectations of what an album could be, showing sound, lyrics and visuals alike to represent the most haunting of mental journeys that likely anyone can relate to in some way.
A nova música é altamente envolvente sofisticada, sutil, com uma melodia viciante e um instrumental elegante, mostrando o potencial, talento e qualidade da Luna.
Patterns se compone por melodías sublimes que junto a su voz se entremezclan de manera perfecta lo que produce un sinfín de sensaciones al momento de escucharlo.
Luna Keller fearlessly shares her narrative, extending an invitation to listeners to embrace their complexities and discover solace in the universal quest for self-understanding.
‚Patterns‘ ist der neueste Song und man kann sofort erkennen, wie sehr sich Luna Keller entwickelt hat.
Discover the details!
Available as high quality WAV download and CD
If you are listening through a great audio system, then this is for you! My music is recorded and mastered to the highest level to please the ears of HiFi enthusiasts.
For a HiFi experience you will find an uncompressed version in CD quality on Bandcamp or a CD with Booklet in my online shop as part of my album 'Ocean Inside Of Me'.

Luna Keller - Vocals
Produced and Mixed by Dominic Romano
Mastered by Sam Moses
Dominic Romano - Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Synths, Percussion
M. den Brejeen - Accordion, addtl keys

Dominic Romano

Luna Keller

Sam Moses