
This was one of those songs that just fell onto the page in 20 minutes or so and immediately felt right. I remember playing it on loop a couple of times right after writing it and having a good cry.

As someone who works for herself, I often put a lot of pressure on myself. There’s that feeling that I can always do more and that all the responsibility for my success lies on my shoulders. I’ve gotten better at finding balance since, but in the first years of being an independent artist, I got myself close to burnout several times—always getting sick and needing to pull the emergency brake. The truth is, I didn’t feel worthy of my path, and in order to deserve it, I felt like I needed to give 110% always.

I was wearing myself out to the point where I lost sight of what I was doing it all for. Burn Out The Sun gives a voice to a part of me that wanted to quit and choose a simpler life—maybe become a cemetery gardener two blocks from my home and never think of music promotion again. Of course, that’s not what I truly wanted. I actually know that I am exactly where I need to be and feel so grateful that I get to walk this path. I am really lucky, but that doesn’t mean the road is always easy—and it’s okay to struggle and to think about giving up. The only thing that matters is to keep going eventually. If anything, pushing myself like this forced me to learn to be kinder to myself and to realise that I am actually better at what I do when I go at a pace that allows me to enjoy the view and the process.

If you’ve ever felt like everything is too much and it’s hard to find reasons to keep going, this song is for you. These moments are there to lead us to change—whether that means closing a chapter and reorienting or finding a better way to reach whatever goal you’ve set for yourself. A new road can seem daunting, and hopes may be low, but there’s so much beauty to be found beyond the horizon of our doubts.

Luna Keller - Burn Out The Sun


I don’t mind
If it ends
If it’s over
It’s alright
No defence
Won’t seek cover

Cause I’ve been living
With one foot out the door for so long
And I’m tired

Burn out the sun
Let it all go
Fire the gun
Don’t witness the smoke
It’s been a bad run
Face it or don’t
Let it be done
We’ll build on new roads

It’s my time
Or it was
How Do I know that?
Grand design
It won’t last
I’ll give it one summer

What’s the point of it all
If all we were before is expired?

Burn out the sun
Let it all go
Fire the gun
Don’t witness the smoke
It’s been a bad run
Face it or don’t
Let it be done
We’ll build on new roads

For a new road
I have low hopes but we will see
For a new road
With no expectations set on me

Burn out the sun
Let it all go
Fire the gun
Don’t witness the smoke
It’s been a bad run
Face it or don’t
Let it be done
We’ll build on new roads

I don’t mind if it ends


What the press says:

It’s easy to hear what we like so much about her sound; it’s cathartic and moving. There’s a sincerity that comes through in the vocal that makes you believe everything she’s singing about here.
Ear To The Ground

In her tender and fragile vocal performance, Luna Keller opens up about feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. The track sounds soft and organic, creating an intimate, confidential atmosphere. 
Tonic Grain

Burn Out The Sun, sees her strip things back in an intimate, acoustic number in which her compelling vocals and confessional lyrics take centre stage.
York Calling

German singer-songwriter offers up a wonderfully warm and riveting acoustic-led serenade.
Mystic Sons

Discover the details!

Available as high quality WAV download and CD

If you are listening through a great audio system, then this is for you! My music is recorded and mastered to the highest level to please the ears of HiFi enthusiasts.

For a HiFi experience you will find an uncompressed version in CD quality on Bandcamp.


Written by Luna Keller
Produced by Dominic Romano
Cello arrangement by Harley Eblen
Acoustic Guitar and vocals by Luna Keller
Additional Acoustic guitar by Dominic Romano
Mixed by Dominic Romano
Mastered by Sam Moses