People often ask me if I write in Spanish or German since those are my first languages, and I usually reply with something along the lines of, “I do, but only on special occasions since English has always felt like my go-to language for songs, probably because most of my favorite bands write in English too.” Special occasions have included personal songs for people I love, songs I’ve written for hire for weddings or birthdays, and occasionally songs I wrote for projects or occasions that were happening in a specific language.
Oxígeno falls into that last category—it’s a companion song for a student short film of the same name that I directed as a teenager. At the time, I had joined the Fridays for Future protests, and the team of students and teachers involved in the short film all felt very passionately about protecting our planet as well. So we made a post-apocalyptic film about a world that didn’t make it, with a tiny bit of hope at the end. I had the chance to perform a song at the premiere and wrote Oxígeno for it. It’s a protest song that has traveled with me ever since and become a part of my live shows.
With lyrics that translate to: “I find it hard to breathe when all we touch seems to die, and no one seems to care. Oxígeno, give me hope that together we can still save us.”—it dives into the frustration of witnessing what we are doing to our planet and to each other.
Years later, I improvised a singalong part at one of my shows— “Hope for another sunrise”—I really liked it and kept it for this recorded version too. It was lovely to see this song selected for the Rescue Songs EP; it’s the oldest one my supporters picked. But as is often the case with protest songs, it remains as relevant as ever.
I really love the additional guitar by Michael Stephenson on this one and the kind of apocalyptic radio sound we gave it to honour the song’s origin. Getting to give this old song a new dress with Dominic Romano was really fun.
Otra gota de petróleo cae al mar
Creamos un continente en el que ya no vive nadie
Otra sierra otro árbol caído
Otra especie se ha extinguido
No sabes lo que estás haciendo
El mundo se está hundiendo
Bajo nuestro peso
El mar se tiñe color muerte
El sol pega cada vez mas fuerte
Y el cielo pierde su color
Y yo no puedo respirar
Todo lo que tocamos muere
y no parece importar
Oxigeno dame esperanza
de que aun juntos nos podemos salvar
Hogar que ya no es y no se puede recuperar
El bosque silencioso perdió su cantar
Envenenamos la tierra y vaciamos el mar
ácidas son las lágrimas que se van a derramar
Entre guerras tontas y escopetas
Olvidamos el planeta
Como daño colateral
Todos ganaran la guerra
Pero al final nadie queda
Para celebrar
Y yo no puedo respirar
Todo lo que tocamos muere
y no parece importar
Oxigeno dame esperanza
de que aun juntos nos podemos salvar
Esperanza para un nuevo amanecer
Discover the details!
Available as high quality WAV download and CD
If you are listening through a great audio system, then this is for you! My music is recorded and mastered to the highest level to please the ears of HiFi enthusiasts.
For a HiFi experience you will find an uncompressed version in CD quality on Bandcamp.

Written by Luna Keller
Produced by Dominic Romano
Cello arrangement by Harley Eblen
Acoustic Guitar and vocals by Luna Keller
Additional Acoustic guitar by Dominic Romano
Piano by Michael Stephenson
Mixed by Dominic Romano
Mastered by Sam Moses