I wrote “Shoulder” in England with my dear friend Dom Malin. I had just gotten news that some gigs I was really excited about got cancelled and feeling really low, Dom lend me his Shoulder and when words were hard he picked up his guitar and started playing, I started singing over it and this song emerged at the end. I really love how this song emerged in a moment were Dom was the lighthouse in my darkness, it feels like it truly embodies our friendship.
I was looking for a song about friendship for the “Ocean Inside Of Me” album at the time, and finding it quite hard to fill the gap with a song I wrote alone. It’s the chapter of the album where I reach out and accept help, it’s the turning point where others join my healing journey with their love and support. I realized it had to be a collab and when we wrote “Shoulder” it was an easy choice. “You are like a lighthouse in the dark, should you burn out I’ll bring a light into your house”, knowing that I can both be the light for my friends and follow their light when I am lost is one of the most wonderful things.
Dom and I played the song quite often on our tour together last year and now I associate so many wonderful moments and memories with them. Something that also made me really happy is to have some lovely friends involved in the production of the song with the wonderful Rich Andruska on Banjo and Dominic Romano producing the track.
I wouldn’t be here without the people I love, the people that love me. So this one is for those that are my lighthouses in the dark, maybe you can send it to yours to send them a hug in song form.
Throw a rope
I’ll be fine
Throw a rope
I’ll climb, I’ll climb
Don’t need to dye my hair no more
Don’t need to fill the hole they tore
When it feels like life is over
I’ll rest my head on your shoulder
You’ve been here
All this time
Take me there
I’ll climb, I’ll climb
Don’t need to dye my hair no more
Don’t need to fill the hole they tore
When it feels like life is over
I’ll rest my head on your shoulder
You are
like a lighthouse in the dark
Should you burn out
I’ll bring a light into your house
You are
like a lighthouse in the dark
Should you burn out
I’ll bring a light into your house
Don’t need to dye my hair no more
Don’t need to fill the hole they tore
When it feels like life is over
I’ll rest my head on your shoulder
When it feels like life is over
I’ll rest my head on your shoulder
When it feels like life is over
I’ll rest my head on your shoulder
When it feels like life is over
I’ll rest my head on your shoulder
What the press says:
"Dengan lirik yang emosional dan melodi yang menghangatkan hati, “Shoulder” membawa pendengar ke dalam cerita tentang teman yang menjadi “lighthouse in the dark,” simbol harapan dan dukungan dalam masa sulit. Luna dan Dom telah memadukan bakat mereka untuk menciptakan suara yang harmonis dan menghibur, yang sangat terasa dalam pertunjukan langsung mereka selama tur bersama."
É um belíssimo trabalho em estilo Folk que encanta e emociona o público ouvinte. O referido single conta com a maravilhosa conexão de um instrumento de cordas que engrandece esse trabalho.
Lançado no dia 25 de abril de 2024, o single “Shoulder” promete muito sucesso. Sua melodia é harmoniosa e suave, consegue trazer alegria e paz aos nossos corações.
Roadie Music
"A canção inicia com um violão habilmente tocado, estabelecendo uma essência folk. À medida que a música avança, uma bateria e um baixo se juntam, complementando a tranquilidade e suavidade da melodia.
Um coro cria o cenário ideal para que a voz encantadora de Luna Keller resplandeça, exibindo um timbre excepcional e um talento singular. Arranjos de guitarra enriquecem a obra, tornando “Shoulder” uma canção deliciosamente agradável para todos."
Music For All
"Luna Keller teamed up with Dom Malin for a new track, “Shoulder.” This track is yet another standout, impressively crafted and executed. The vocals shine brilliantly and harmonize seamlessly with the backing instrumentals. The production quality is truly exceptional, elevating the overall listening experience."
Music On The Rox
"Esta pista presenta una identidad cálida energética y alegre que se desarrolla dentro del Folk y Folk rock, la cual de principio a fin va construyendo y desarrollando un sonido edificante y dinámico que por la parte de la música mantienen a los oyentes dentro de su desarrollo expresivo. Pero sin duda la letra y la interpretación vocal son el gancho empático para conectar con las personas que escuchen esta pista, ya que explora estas conexiones casi mágicas de las amistades como faros de luz en momentos de oscuridad, esta canción termina siendo un abrazo fuerte y cálido necesario entre amigos."
"A poignant tribute to the guiding lights in our lives, Shoulder finds both artists beautifully showcasing their smooth, expressive vocals which exude so much soul and emotion that is impossible not to feel what they are singing about. A cathartic writing process for Luna which shares a message of friendship and being there for each other in moments of need. Apart from the heartfelt lyrics, that resonate with warmth and vulnerability, and their gorgeous vocals, I am particularly fond of the accompanying guitar chords which are seamlessly paired with haunting harmonies and subtle rhythms that together create an overall warm, comforting atmosphere."
Caesar Live n Loud
"Produced by Dominic Romano, ‘Shoulder’ is a wholesome folk song filled with oozing warm embraces after difficult times. Joined by Rich Andruska on banjo and Dom Malin on guitar, the harmonic melody captures the comfort of sitting around a fire and feeling loved. You can practically feel the security and happiness of being around supportive friends as you listen to ‘Shoulder’. While I adore the melody, I find the interplay between Keller and Malin’s vocals heightens the essence of powerful bonds between best friends. "
Other Side Reviews
“Shoulder” sounds as though it has gone straight from the microphone and directly onto magnetic tape– you will not find any modern production antics or any digital artifacts that lead you to believe otherwise. Instead, you will find layers of auxiliary vocals and acoustic instruments in all of their analog, multi-tracked glory, almost as though you’ve stumbled onto a a clearing in the forest of life, where a group of musicians have gathered around a fire to exorcise their emotional demons. It is an epic portrayal of reemergence, providing hope to anyone who’s ever found themselves inside the tarpit of depression.
“It was in 2022 that the two paired up for track Overgrown, and now the Spanish-German Luna and the British Dom have returned with a new duet, Shoulder. With it, they’ve given us a heart-warming and life-affirming message that tells us no matter how dark things get, we can always find a shoulder on which to rest our tired heads.
It’s the latest in Luna’s current string of singles, all exploring her battles with depression and poor mental health. It’s a light moment, articulated beautifully through indie folk sensibilities and always-captivating vocals.”
York Calling
"Sometimes, the most beautiful melodies emerge in the most unexpected moments. Shoulder, a collaborative piece by Luna Keller and Dom Malin, is akin to discovering a flawless seashell amidst a tempestuous shore—a serene treasure unveiled amidst turmoil.
Stripping down to the core, Shoulder weaves a minimalist melody where Luna’s heartfelt vocals and Dom’s intricate guitar harmonise, crafting a poignant expression of the enduring power of companionship."
Neon Music Blog
"Our appreciation for all things Luna Keller gets reinvigorated with the release of her new single Shoulder. A collaboration with notable indie folker Dom Malin, the new single highlights Keller’s smokey delivery. Her voice is intoxicating and Shoulder is the perfect melody to illuminate it.
An indie folk gem with a succulent swinging groove and a clever chorus, Shoulder only pushes Keller’s legend forward. Dig into her catalog, she’s a prolific writer with refreshing stylistic diversity between releases. "
The Wild Is Calling
Discover the details!
Available as high quality WAV download and CD
If you are listening through a great audio system, then this is for you! My music is recorded and mastered to the highest level to please the ears of HiFi enthusiasts.
For a HiFi experience you will find an uncompressed version in CD quality on Bandcamp or a CD with Booklet in my online shop as part of my album 'Ocean Inside Of Me'.

Luna Keller - Vocals
Dom Malin - Vocals, Acoustic & Electric Guitars
Produced and Mixed by Dominic Romano
Mastered by Sam Moses
Rich Andruska - Banjo
Nate Zwerdling - Bass
Dominic Romano - Mandolin, Percussion, Addtl Vocals

Dominic Romano

Luna Keller

Dom Malin

Sam Moses

Rich Andruska

Nate Zwerdling