Lyrics and Music by Luna Keller
Vocals - Luna Keller
Guitars - Roger Keller
Viola - Bruce White
Recorded by - Roger Keller and Bruce White
Edited and mixed by - Uli Pfannmüller
TonUP Studio
Mastered by - Andreas Balaskas
Masterlab Mastering
About Sunset
I was sitting on a plane watching the sunset, when I heard the melody of this song in my head. I wrote some lyrics and recorded it into my phone.
When I arrived home I added some chords, but they weren't anything special. It was my dad, who tuned his guitar to open D and came up with the guitar. I loved it.
We recorded the song shortly afterwards, but even though the voice and guitar sounded good together, something was missing. A bit later we met Bruce White, a brilliant viola player, who completed the song with his instrument.
I was at the airport again when I received the final mix of the song via email and listened to the finished version during the flight. I cried - my little melody turned into a real song.
Sunset, slowly drowning,
I will see you in the morning,
while the world starts slowly sleeping,
I'll just sit here and believe in believing.
The sky dresses up in dark blue,
the horizon releases the moon,
and the stars shine for me and you,
I know that our dreams will come true.
Look up at the dark sky,
find the truth and forget all lies
after all all you need is a smile,
don't say you can't if you haven't tried.
Sunset, slowly drowning,
I will see you in the morning,
while the world starts slowly sleeping,
I'll just sit here and believe in believing.

Discover the details!
Available as high quality WAV download
If you are listening through a great audio system, then this is for you! My music is recorded and mastered to the highest level to please the ears of HiFi enthusiasts.
For a HiFi experience you will find an uncompressed version in CD quality on Bandcamp as part of my EP 'First Steps'.