
“Woman In My Mirror” is a love song to myself and as I like to call my songs my friends, it would be fair to say that this song is my best friend. This might come as a surprise but it is the oldest song on the “Ocean Inside Of Me” album, written before I fell into depression. I often feel like I write the songs I’ll need in the future, like my subconscious wants to leave me a message for the times were we get more disconnected. And I truly needed this song more than any other song I’ve ever written. There were times where I could barely sing it, where the tears and doubts would run into my mouth and break my voice after a few lines. But I sang the chorus of this song to myself countless times through my worst and my best days. Sometimes it was really painful to hear this old song declare unconditional love to myself when I felt like I did not deserve it. But the truth is I always did, because that’s what unconditional means - no matter what I am worthy of my own love and support.

I always knew that “Woman In My Mirror” had to be the closing track of “Ocean Inside Of Me” because what I learned from going through depression is that the goal is not happiness or to never struggle again. The goal is to have a good relationship with myself so that I can cope with my struggles in healthy, kind and loving ways. Things do get better, and they get worse too (high low high low is all I know) - that’s just life. We cannot control the ocean, but we can choose how to navigate it, look after our boat and bring together a great crew. We can make the storm manageable and even if we do go over board, teach ourselves how to swim, how to let our crew know that we need them to throw a rope.

People come and go in our life, but we are the one person we will spend every second of it with. So be kind to yourself and know that every scar on your skin just shows where you’ve been. You’re beautiful.

Since this is a song I love playing live it wasn’t that easy to translate it to the recording without loosing its intimacy and authenticity. It took me and Dominic Romano (the awesome producer of the track) a while to find the right balance. Now I absolutely adore how it turned out in the end and I’m extra happy to have some subtle banjo played by Daisy Chute on the song, since her artistry and empowering message feels so close the the songs heart.


I need you to know that I love you
I need it to show sing that it’s true
You’re beautiful and I’m proud of you

For the thousands time I looked you in the eye
We both cried we both found a new reason to smile
You’re strong and I’m proud of you

To the woman in my mirror
To my eyes and my soul
We will win every fight and conquer them all
When our sun sets I will still be with you
I will have stood by your side until our last call
You’re beautiful

I need you to know that every mark on your skin
Is not shameful or ugly it shows where you’ve been
You’re strong and I’m proud of you

To the woman in my mirror
To my eyes and my soul
We will win every fight and conquer them all
When our sun sets I will still be with you
I will have stood by your side until our last call

To the woman in my mirror
To my eyes and my soul
We will win every fight and conquer them all
When our sun sets I will still be with you
I will have stood by your side until our last call

To the woman in my mirror
To my eyes and my soul
We will win every fight and conquer them all
When our sun sets I will still be with you
I will have stood by your side until our last call

To the woman in my mirror
To my eyes and my soul
We will win every fight and conquer them all
When our sun sets I will still be with you
I will have stood by your side until our last call
You’re beautiful

What the press says:

"Keller’s music always tugs at my heart with her ability to bring comfort to darkness but retain sparse vulnerability in every space. ‘Woman In My Mirror’ seems an apt closing to what has been a turbulent album. The intriguing aspect of ‘Woman In My Mirror’ is not the relief of finding your way but the hushed contentment, not a brazen “oh, look at me I made it”. The final words, “you’re beautiful” is a final brush of light giving you a happy sense of “now I am really free to be me.”
Other Side Reviews

The album’s final chapter is Woman In My Mirror and tells a story in which the album’s protagonist finds her way back to loving herself. Opening with some pensive, echoing acoustic guitar, it’s a track that slowly builds in confidence before arriving at bright and lingering ending.
York Calling

"Esta canción tiene la magia y particularidad de conectar con los oyentes gracias a la manera conmovedora en que refleja sus emociones, especialmente para aquellos que se encuentran en una búsqueda de amor propio. Será conmovedor hasta las lágrimas, ofreciendo una experiencia de escucha liberadora y catártica."

"El clip acompaña las sensaciones que provoca Woman In My Mirror, la percepción de libertad, de dejar una etapa atrás y fluir con lo que el presente propone. Un corte emotivo que incorpora elementos que te permitan entender de manera objetiva que la vida no trata sobre la búsqueda de la felicidad perpetua, sino fomentar una relación sana con uno mismo. Entender cómo navegar en éste infinito e inesperado océano que es vivir."
Zone Nights

"Keller has spent the last nine songs building an emotional bond with her listeners, and while “Woman In My Mirror” was obviously written to herself, the lyrics read as a voiceover that reveals an epiphany to the audience. As a folk song, it checks off all the appropriate boxes, with additional layers of ambience arriving to add sonic width to the production; however, as the final chapter to a story, it contains such a profound weight that you immediately go back to the beginning for another ride."

"This song serves as a poignant love song to herself, a declaration that is unconditional, loving and kind. I am really enjoying the warmth of the song and how it encourages us to foster a healthy relationship with ourselves, emphasizing that we cannot control the ocean of life, we can choose how to navigate it. "
Caesar Live N Loud

"This is a truly beautiful track. The vocals are breathtaking, the production is flawless, and the clever lyrics are showcased brilliantly throughout. It’s definitely a standout this week."
Music On The Rox

No coração desse álbum está “Woman In My Mirror”, uma poderosa ode à autoaceitação e amor-próprio. Escrito em 2019, antes de Luna enfrentar a depressão, essa música se tornou seu mantra, um lembrete diário de força e resiliência. Cantada tanto nos dias bons quanto nos ruins, “Woman In My Mirror” foi a voz de apoio de Luna, ajudando-a a buscar ajuda e a curar-se.
Roadie Music


Discover the details!

Available as high quality WAV download and CD

If you are listening through a great audio system, then this is for you! My music is recorded and mastered to the highest level to please the ears of HiFi enthusiasts.

For a HiFi experience you will find an uncompressed version in CD quality on Bandcamp or a CD with Booklet in my online shop as part of my album 'Ocean Inside Of Me'.


Luna Keller - Vocals

Produced and Mixed by Dominic Romano

Mastered by Sam Moses

Dominic Romano - Acoustic Guitar, Keys & Synths, Sound Design

Daisy Chute - Banjo