

Luna carries her vocal so intensely close to her heart. I believe the lyrics; too often I find it easy to just pass off a tune and carry on, but in this listen the song took a piece of me with it.
Independent Music Reviews

Prophecy is an incredibly vulnerable track, with Luna displaying her emotions and feelings off to the world in brave fashion – the lyrics are simply heartbreaking to listen to but they work very well with the music.
Jane Howkins for York Calling

I love the moodset is held vulnerable at first, and over time, it feels like the tune itself realizes how beautiful it really is, picking up energy, confidence and passion along the way.
kms reviews

We here at Live A Little Louder are very impressed with Luna indeed. Not only does she bare a beautifully powerful singing voice and clear talent for songwriting, but she gives to the world a spark of positivity and joy that is very much needed at the moment...
Live aA Little Louder

"A Ray Of Light", a masterpiece that we added to the well growing "Indie Folk Gems" Spotify playlist.
Indie Music Center

In Conversation with Luna Keller - April 2020
Independent Music Discovery

There’s something irresistible about Luna Keller - Indie Artist of the Month (March 2020)
Never Enough Music 

With an incredible talent for songwriting, the artist from Tenerife (Spain) sends us lots of sun to shed light on this dark period.
Indie Music Center

Luna Keller combines a refreshing instinct for pop melody with a welcome note on the resilience of human connection

Very very easy to listen to, and also quite catchy and current, Two Chord Song is a melodic no-brainer.
Where the Music Meets

When Luna Picks up her guitar and starts to sing, its like they are both in a forever love affair, a marriage that is sure to last for a long time.
Mark Joseph Berthmark for FOLKS AND STROKES

Luna Keller could be a household name someday!
Phil Shaw for MUSICTO


'Luna Keller is a “once in a generation voice.” She has Lara Nyro’s range and aptitude for whimsy combined with the smooth, soothing reassurance of Norah Jones.'
East Portland Blog

“Packing My Bags” is an elegantly stylized folk-rock ballad that you wouldn’t necessarily expect to find in what has been a fairly quiet year for the genre.
No Depression

I couldn’t really make up my mind whether or not Keller reminds me more of Dean Ween or Bob Dylan.
Michael Rand for mobangles


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